Where to Buy Our Products
Bumnuts Are Back Baby!
You can find Bum Nuts eggs from our very Happy Chooks at the following eggcellent establishments…
BZ Burger in Kippax (You can enjoy our eggs on the menu and buy the eggs in Cartons as well)
Campbell SupaExpress
Collector Fresh (Gunning, Gundaroo region)
Florey Fine Meats Butcher
Freddy’s Frapples in Weston Creek
Griffith IGA X-Press
IGA Bruce
IGA Hackett
IGA Holt
IGA Lyneham – Krnc Group
Local Grocer Melba IGA
Shop Rite in Griffith
Spar Rivett
Tom’s Superfruits – Belconnen Fresh Food Market
Watson Supa Express
Wiffens at Fyshwick Market
Ziggy’s at Fyshwick Market
Elemental Café in Braddon
Grain de Café – Swinger Hill
Nonna Maria Pasta in Mitchell